Happy 22nd, Andrew!

December 1, 2009

Today, Andrew turns 22!

In honour of this momentous occasion, Nathan and I made not one, but TWO cakes for my dear husband to celebrate his 22nd birthday!

Two's a really special number 'round here.

When Andrew and I were dating, we celebrated our anniversary on the 2nd of each month.

Then, we got married on August the 2nd, 2008!

And when we got married, Nathan was 2 years old.

Two is when we became us. It's a really. Big. Deal.

So happy birthday to you, dear Andrew. You're the most awesome 22-year-old husband and father I know.

Love, your wife.

P.S. Please share some of your cake(s) with me :)


choifish said...

Happy Birthday, dude! :)

cjong10 said...

haha i like nathans two the best!

Andrew said...

Thanks for the cakes!!! two separate ones was a genius idea

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