
February 3, 2010

When it comes to work, I've always been pretty lucky.

Wait, no, scratch that. I've been more than lucky. I have been truly blessed.

I don't like talking about it too often because I know there are many out there who are struggling to find a job, and I know that struggle comes with a lot of worry, uncertainty and resentment. But sometimes, you just have to be a little selfish and just share the excitement, because this is too big for me to keep inside.

Through a really awesome chain of seemingly coincidental events, I was suddenly asked to go in for an interview before I even started looking for a job.

So here's the long story:

I just happened to be sitting in my supervisor's office using the only free computer in the office area when she turned around and asked me what my plans were after I finished my placement as a student in the company. I told her I would be completely done school, probably looking for a job. Then, out of the kindness of her heart, she offered to try and get me an interview, but not to hold my breath because she wasn't sure how it would go. But if it didn't work out, she would be glad to be my reference.

A couple days later, she found me and told me that three positions were just posted and that if I was interested, I should apply and put her as a reference. So I made a mental note to apply before I directed my attention back to the client. I was psyched for a chance.

Before day was out, I just happened to be in the lunch area which happened to be right beside a room. A room in which two ladies who are in positions to hire were. My supervisor came by (apparently we're always just running into each other at the right moments!) and decided to introduce me to the two ladies. Briefly after the introduction, my supervisor left, but they called me back in. Again, I was asked what my plans were after this placement, so I told them. Then, they asked if I had my resume! Unprepared, I said no, but I could bring it in the next day.

The day I brought my resume in, it took them less than 4 hours to get back to me and ask me in for an interview.

Yesterday was the interview. I couldn't really tell how I did, and I didn't feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I walked out of the room. But I knew that there was nothing else I could have done. I had spent the entire weekend preparing for it and I really did the best I could.

So now, I play the waiting game. Waiting patiently, not anxiously, because I know that God has it all under control.

(Plus, there's not a whole lot I can do when I'm slightly groggy and have gauze stuffed in my mouth anyway. Yay for teeth extractions!)

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