We're Going Down...

June 30, 2010

In my post about our trip to Seattle, I mentioned that there were some big things happening with our little Tsoi family. Are you ready for some more news? Well here it is!

Part 1: Andrew got accepted to Med School!

We've been waiting for this for a little while now and it's finally Andrew's turn to start his journey to becoming a doctor! We're so proud and excited that this moment has finally come.

Part 2: Andrew got accepted to Med School in Australia!

More specifically, he got accepted to the University of Queensland in Brisbane and he'll be starting in January! Which brings us to...

Part 3: We're moving to Australia!

We'll likely move closer to Andrew's start date. By then, we'll be a little family of 4 and we're all excited about the move (well, we can only assume that Baby Tsoi #2 is excited. He/she doesn't really have a say just yet).

All the planning starts NOW and we'd be so grateful for any tidbit of information anyone can pass along to us as we're sure this road ahead of us will be filled with bumps along the way but we're ready for this adventure!


Unknown said...

wow... that's awesome! congrats on all the good news surrounding you all and hope all the life changing events dont cover you with stress!

Alana said...

Holy cow!!! For real?!?! You guys!!!! How exciting!!!!!

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