Peach Schnapps, My New Best Friend

September 13, 2007

After a big mess of discussing plans for birthday celebrations, one of my friends and I decided we needed to intervene and hold a little gathering for one of our friends. After spending a load of money at the LCBO and Sobey's, we got home with a couple bagfuls of party supplies (mainly food.. actually, all food). But this wasn't without its own set of messes. First, one of the grocery bags broke which let loose a couple cans of concentrate juice - not too much damage there. But later, we forgot the bag was broken, stuck a jar of salsa in it and picked up the bag and well, we ended up with a nice pile of salsa and glass shards. It was a joy to clean up. JOY.

Anyway, later on we put a brand new Magic Bullet to use and made bellinis. It tasted like little drops of heaven and it was so fun to make. Plus, there were little bits of peaches you could chew on which was also enjoyable. Needless to say, for the rest of my life I will be investing more money in frozen peaches and peach schnapps. Bellinis are the best way to end off a messy day.

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