Big Cheese

March 16, 2011

Nathan's only attending school half-day at the moment. Most days, I let him play on the playground with some of the other half-day kids until I get tired. Usually by the time we get home, Caleb's pretty hungry so sometimes I get Nathan to put together his own lunch.

Today, we had cheese, crackers, ham and watermelon.

I asked him to cut up the cheese and envisioned him cutting slices to stack onto the crackers with the ham. He had other plans.

His plans involved cutting the block of cheese into 3 large chunks and putting those onto the crackers.

Then he wanted to pose and pretend like he was eating.


Andrew said...

he sure loves his cheese

pink said...

He's got such a golden tan!!! jealous.

btsoi. said...

You know, you can always come down here and get one for yourself. Something for you to think about...

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