Caleb, 16 weeks

March 29, 2011

I love that I can still write Caleb's age out in weeks.

Weeks. He's still brand new.

Everyday, I'm amazed by the things he does and how he's developing his own personality.

He grabs at blankets, towels and toys. He looks to catch someone's eyes. He holds chew toys and his fists in his mouth. He pulls on my hands to sit or stand up. He opens his mouth wide to express happiness. He watches quietly as people move around him. He calls out when something's not right.

And just yesterday, he was 99.999999% turned onto his tummy from lying on his back. For real! My little guy!

It took me a little while to realize what had happened. My back was turned when he was turning and Nathan had been with him so I thought Nathan might have helped him. But Nathan insisted that because Andrew hadn't helped him, and he (Nathan) hadn't helped him, Caleb must have done it by himself.

I'm was so proud of my baby. He's been trying to do it for the past week or so and he finally got it!

1 comment:

choifish said...

What a little champ! It's amazing how much can happen in a matter of months!

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