mood: beyond happy, almost to the point of giddy

music: none! wow

thoughts: wow i haven't had such a NICE day in such a LONG time. it was so great. so i started the day off at 6, breaking my rollerblading dry spell. wow it was so great, cos i actually got up before kenny called me [haha.. internal alarm].. but yea, and the most stupid thing happened, i had a blooooody nose and it was gross.. and it got on my WHITE shirt. oh mi gosh. it was like.. a waterfall.. *sigh* and it was a new shirt too.. oh well so ne way, i got out and i thought it was gonna be wet cos it rained last night. but it was SO BEAUTIFUL when i got out. *smiles* then we went to Wayside again. honestly i think that's the best place to go in the morning cos its so peaceful and nice. wow i love sitting there in the morning. ne way, i was half joking around [sorry kenny] when i said i couldn't break so he grabbed my arm and.. well needless to say, i fell again. i'm getting a collection of bruiseson my knee and its gettingp retty gross. i think its gonna be permanent now. *sigh* oh well =D so we met Carol there and did Bible Study. which was interesting because it was.. different from what i was so used to .. which is alright i guess but we go SO sidetracked cos SOMEONE kept flipping pages *ahem* [i know you're reading this!] so yea.. then after i had to go downtown for my meeting, for cell group training. and honestly, today has been so filled with people God put in my life. it was great. cos i realized that my earphone wouldn'twork.. which sucked cos i brought my md for nothing. but then this guy who was also going to the meeting just HAPPEN to sit beside me and i looked up and was like.. WOW! so we talked all the way down. wow training was INTENSE. i'm kidding. but it was really insightful and i realized that i have so much work to do still.. but yea.. softball was the best!!! although my head hurt and i scream way too hard. WOW! i dont care if we lost by a million. it was just so fun to be out there and jumping around and cheering. wow it totally made my day =D weeeeee. but over all, today was the best day i've had in a LONG time. thanks everybuddie [=) and most definately, God. ].. *smiles*

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