Christmas 2010

December 27, 2010

Tidbits of our Christmas:

Before tucking him into bed last night, I told Nathan, "Tomorrow is Jesus' birthday!"
Nathan then asked me, "How old is he turning?"

Andrew and I stayed up to wrap Nathan's gifts. Andrew did most of the wrapping. Actually, scratch that, Andrew did all of the wrapping. I just made the tags.

We had to wrap Nathan's gifts last because we had a close call when we first bought the gifts. Nathan heard little rattling noises coming from the trunk and said "Did you get me more Mighty Beanz?" to which we replied, "Why would you think that?". His response: "I just thought you might have bought be more Mighty Beanz!"

He was right. But we didn't let him know.

We decided that this year, for the sake of our sanity, we would not put up a Christmas tree. It was a tough decision, but it was for the best. Fortunately, a lady from church gave Nathan a fully decorated mini tree!

We used this mini tree and put our gifts to Nathan under it for him to discover in the morning. He had already opened all the other gifts he received - the gift-givers wanted to see him open them. (Thanks, gift-givers!)

We went over to my parents' place for Christmas dinner. They stuffed us full of delicious food. Afterwards, we each received our gifts and made guesses as to who our Secret Santas were. Then, my uncle showered us with good wishes for our time in Australia, and unexpectedly presented Andrew and I with a gift from our entire family to help us as we begin a new chapter of our lives down under.

We're so grateful to have such a supportive and loving family!

1 comment:

The Reading Bear said...

From reading your blog continuously, I can tell you are a hardworking mother who absolutely loves Nathan to pieces!! Keep following your bucket list, I know you can do it!

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