Sewing Project #1: Felt Ninja

March 28, 2011

For my first project, I needed something simple with a short time commitment so I could actually complete the project. If there's one thing that working with kids with disabilities taught me, it's that it is important to build behaviour momentum with simple achievements.

I also need something that, even if I did make a mistake, it wouldn't have detrimental long-term side-effects. If mistakes did happen, I needed a resolution that was easy, or it to be so inconsequential that I could overlook it. That's one reason I refuse to learn to hem my own pants.

Through my years of perusing craft/design-y websites, I've come across quite a few super cute felt creations. One that stuck out in my mind recently was a little ninja. Does that surprise you?

So I set about making a little ninja template.

I had to cut out separate face and eye pieces to trace because I couldn't bring myself to cut Paper Ninja up.

Then, I pinned him to a piece of black felt, making sure I didn't actually pin him.

At this point, I'm sure you think my affinity with Paper Ninja is getting a little out of hand. I assure you, it's completely healthy. I think.

I cut his body out of the black felt, twice, slightly larger than the template.

Note: You need to reserve some space between the edge of the fabric and the actual outline of your creation. I believe this is called the seam allowance.

* * * * * * *

Sewing intermission!

* * * * * * *

And we're back.

Once you've cut out all the pieces, it's time to sew! Put your pieces together so you can envision the final product if you need a little bit of motivation.

I used a blanket stitch to sew his eyes to his face, then his face to his body.

I used a whip stitch to sew the front and back of him together.

Then, very carefully, I flipped him inside out.

And then because I didn't have stuffing, I let Nathan pretend he was a puppet.

* * * * * * *

Lessons learned:

  • I can cut fabric (or similar material) without having a panic attack
  • This is now my favourite way to knot thread
  • When using embroidery floss to sew/stitch, you separate it and use only 3 strands (or less if you want more detail)
  • I now know how to do a blanket stitch and a whip stitch

I am an incredibly visual and hands-on learner and I highly recommend the tutorials I've linked. They were totally helpful to me.


futuregirl said...

Thank you for linking to my tutorials! Love your cute ninja (and the felt doll ... teehee!).

choifish said...

Could I have one, please?!

I've caught your (pl.) ninja fever!!

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